The top 10 fastest creatures on the planet

In this post, I will be showing you The top 10 fastest creatures on the planet. If you were to race an ant, you’d win. This makes sense, since your legs are quite a bit longer, despite being a third as numerous. Extrapolating from this, then, you’d think that longer legs or larger animals should […]

👊Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Who would win in a fight⚔️

👊Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Who would win in a fight⚔️

In this post, the topic is 👊Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Who would win in a fight⚔️ Elephants and Rhinos🐘🦏 As some of the strongest animals in the world, people would wonder who will win in a fight. They both live in Africa, so they have fought before but no matter who won those battles, keep those […]

🤩8 awesome reasons why the ogre-faced spider rocks👍

8 awesome reasons why the ogre-faced spider rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 8 awesome reasons why the ogre-faced spider rocks. 1. Ogre-faced spiders have the largest eyes of all spiders and insects. Did you know ogre-faced spiders have the largest eyes of all spiders and insects? Even though they are quite small, ogre-faced spiders have the largest eyes of […]

🐢The Alligator Snapping Turtle Quiz- What makes this animal unique❓

🐢The Alligator Snapping Turtle Quiz- What makes this animal unique❓

Welcome. Recently you have been learning about animals but today it’s gonna be different. You will solve 6 questions to prove you know a lot about alligator snapping turtles, so let’s begin. Today’s topic is The Alligator Snapping Turtle Quiz- What makes this animal unique?🐢 And to learn about tigers before starting the quiz, click […]

📝List of apex predators-30 examples🍖

List of apex predators-30 examples

In this post, the topic is: List of apex predators-30 examples. All parts of the world are filled with animals and in each place, there is always a food chain. In the food chain, there are always predators like lions but even predators need to watch their backs. Only the apex predators are the ones […]

📖Discover the toughest predator of the North⛰️

Discover the toughest predator of the North

In this post, the topic is: Discover the toughest predator of the North. The northern parts of the world are one of the toughest places for predators and prey to survive in. All predators of the North are tough, but one of them is extremely tough. The toughest predator is actually a very small creature […]

🤩6 cool reasons why the puff adder rocks👍

6 cool reasons why the puff adder rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the puff adder rocks. 1. The puff adder got its name from its defense. Did you know the puff adder got its name from its defense? Like many different viper subspecies on the planet, the puff adder got its name from its defense. […]

⚡How the electric eel produces electricity🤩

How the electric eel produces electricity

In this post, the topic is: How the electric eel produces electricity. 1. What is an electric eel? The electric eel is a knifefish species and is a neotropical freshwater fish from South America. They are known for their ability to stun with a 860 volt electric shock. But how? How can they produce such […]

🤩6 cool reasons why the Russell’s viper rocks👍

6 cool reasons why the Russell's viper rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the Russell’s viper rocks. 1. Russell’s vipers are apex predators.🍖 Did you know Russell’s vipers are apex predators? Unlike some viper subspecies, Russell’s vipers are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are Russell’s vipers are apex predators? The reason why is that […]

🤩6 cool reasons why the gaboon viper rocks👍

6 cool reasons why the gaboon viper rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the gaboon viper rocks. 1. Gaboon vipers are apex predators.🍖 Did you know gaboon vipers are apex predators? Unlike some viper subspecies, gaboon vipers are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are gaboon vipers are apex predators? The reason why is that […]

🤩6 reasons why the eastern diamondback rattlesnake rocks👍

6 reasons why the eastern diamondback rattlesnake rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 reasons why the eastern diamondback rattlesnake rocks. 1. Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are the most venomous snakes in North America.🌎 Did you know eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are the most venomous snakes in North America? Unlike some rattlesnake species, eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are the most venomous snakes in […]

🤩6 reasons why the western diamondback rattlesnake rocks👍

6 reasons why the western diamondback rattlesnake rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 reasons why the western diamondback rattlesnake rocks. 1. Western diamondback rattlesnakes are apex predators.🍖 Did you know western diamondback rattlesnakes are apex predators? Like all rattlesnake species, western diamondback rattlesnakes are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are western diamondback rattlesnakes apex predators? The reason […]

🐯The Tiger Quiz- What makes this animal unique❓

The Tiger Quiz- What makes this animal unique

Welcome. Recently you have been learning about animals but today it’s gonna be different. You will solve 10 questions to prove you know a lot about tigers, so let’s begin. Today’s topic is The Tiger Quiz- What makes this animal unique?🐯 And to learn about tigers before starting the quiz, click here. To take a […]

🤩6 amazing reasons why the elk rocks👍

6 amazing reasons why the elk rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 amazing reasons why the elk rocks. 1. Elk are the second largest species of deer on the planet.🦌 Did you know elk are the second largest species of deer on the planet? Even though they are smaller than moose, elk are the second largest species of […]

🤩6 amazing reasons why the ostrich rocks👍

In this post, I will be showing you 6 amazing reasons why the ostrich rocks. 1. Ostriches are apex omnivores.🍖🍃 Did you know ostriches are apex predators? Like other large flightless birds, ostriches are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are ostriches apex predators? The reason why is because of the size and sheer strength […]

🤩6 reasons why the bowhead whale rocks👍

In this post, I will be showing you 6 reasons why the bowhead whale rocks. 1. Bowhead whales are apex predators.🍖 Did you know bowhead whales are apex predators? Even though they are whales that don’t have teeth, bowhead whales are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are bowhead whales apex predators? The reason […]

🤩6 cool reasons why the sperm whale rocks👍

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the sperm whale rocks. 1. Sperm whales are apex predators.🍖 Did you know sperm whales are apex predators? Even though they are not the largest whales, sperm whales are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are sperm whales apex predators? The reason […]

🤩6 cool reasons why the sei whale rocks👍

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the sei whale rocks. 1. Sei whales are apex predators.🍖 Did you know sei whales are apex predators? Even though they are whales that don’t have teeth, sei whales are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are sei whales apex predators? The […]

🤩6 cool reasons why the fin whale rocks👍

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the fin whale rocks. 1. Fin whales are apex predators.🍖 Did you know fin whales are apex predators? Even though they are whales that don’t have teeth, fin whales are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are fin whales apex predators? The […]