9 reasons why the jaguar rocks

9 reasons why the jaguar rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 9 reasons why the jaguar rocks. 1. Jaguars have the strongest bite force of any cat. Did you know jaguars have the strongest bite force of any cat? Even though many animals have a strong bite, jaguars have the strongest bite of any cat. Isn’t that amazing? […]

8 reasons why the cheetah rocks

8 reasons why the cheetah rocks

  In this post, I will be showing you 8 reasons why the cheetah rocks. 1. Cheetahs reach a speed of 72 miles per hour! Did you know cheetahs reach a speed of 72 miles per hour? Even though many animals are fast, cheetahs reach a speed of 72 miles per hour. Isn’t that amazing? […]

10 reasons why the tiger rocks

10 reasons why the tiger rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 10 reasons why the tiger rocks. 1. Tigers are the strongest cats in the world! Tigers can kill a human with one paw swipe! Source: Google Did you know tigers are the strongest cats in the world? Even though many cats are very strong, tigers are the […]

10 awesome reasons why the lion rocks

10 awesome reasons why the lion rocks

In this post, the topic is: 10 awesome reasons why the lion rocks. Table of Contents 1. African lions are excellent climbers. 2. African lions hunt during storms. 3. African lions are apex predators. 4. African lions are the most social cats on the planet. 5. African lions sleep for 20-24 hours a day. 6. […]