5 reasons why the pangolin rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 5 reasons why the pangolin rocks. 1. The scales on a pangolin are made of keratin. Did you know the scales on a pangolin are made of keratin? Just like many animals who have keratin in their horns, hooves etc., the scales on a pangolin are made […]

7 reasons why the leopard rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 7 reasons why the leopard rocks. 1. Leopards are apex predators. Did you know leopards are apex predators? Even though they are smaller than hippos, leopards are apex (animals that are not eaten) predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are leopards apex predators? The reason why is […]

8 reasons why the puma rocks

8 reasons why the puma rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 8 reasons why the puma rocks. 1. The puma’s closest relatives are the cheetah and jaguarundi!  

Jaguar VS Tiger: Who would win in a fight

In this post, the topic is Jaguar VS Tiger: Who would win in a fight? Jaguars and Tigers As one of the most ferocious animals, people definitely wonder what would happen if these two duked it out. Jaguars live in Central and South America while tigers live in India and Southern Asia, so it’s safe […]

8 reasons why the moose rocks

8 reasons why the moose rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 8 reasons why the moose rocks. 1. Moose are the largest member of the deer family alive. Did you know moose are the largest deer alive? Even though many deer are big, moose are the largest deer alive. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are moose the largest […]

Lion VS Cheetah: Who would win in a fight

In this post, the topic is Lion VS Cheetah: Who would win in a fight? Lions and Cheetahs As one of the most famous animals, people definitely wonder what would happen if these two duked it out. Lions live in Africa and small parts of Europe and Asia while cheetahs live in the Africa and […]

Lion VS Tiger: Who would win in a fight

In this post, the topic is: Lion VS Tiger: Who would win in a fight   Lions and Tigers As one of the most ferocious animals, people definitely wonder what would happen if these two duked it out. Lions live in Africa and small parts of Europe and Asia while tigers live in India and […]