🤩6 reasons why the cape buffalo rocks👍

6 reasons why the cape buffalo rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 reasons why the cape buffalo rocks. 1. Cape buffalo are the largest bovids of Africa. Did you know cape buffalo are the largest bovids of Africa? Even though there are large bovids in Africa, cape buffalo are the largest bovids of Africa. Isn’t that amazing? Now, […]

🤩6 cool reasons why the brown bear rocks👍

6 cool reasons why the brown bear rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the brown bear rocks. 1. Brown bears are the second largest species of bear. Did you know brown bears are the second largest species of bear? Even though there are many large bears, brown bears are the second largest species of bear. Isn’t […]

🤩6 cool reasons why the sea otter rocks👍

6 cool reasons why the sea otter rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the sea otter rocks. 1. Sea otters are weasels. Did you know sea otters are weasels? Even though they look like seals, sea otters are weasels. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are sea otters weasels? The reason why is because their DNA reveals […]

🤩6 cool reasons why the red panda rocks👍

6 cool reasons why the red panda rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the red panda rocks. 1. Red pandas are omnivores.🍖🍃 Did you know red pandas are omnivores? Even though they are found eating plants, red pandas are omnivores. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are red pandas omnivores? The reason why is because they have […]

🤩6 cool reasons why the polar bear rocks👍

6 cool reasons why the polar bear rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the polar bear rocks. 1. Polar bears are the largest species of bear. Did you know polar bears are the largest species of bear? Even though there are many large bears, polar bears are the largest species of bear. Isn’t that amazing? Now, […]

😍 6 reasons why the bison rocks 👍

6 reasons why the bison rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 reasons why the bison rocks. 1. Bison are the largest mammals in North & South America and Europe.🌎🌍 Did you know bison are the largest mammals in North & South America and Europe? Even though many animals that live in the Americas and Europe are big, […]

🤩5 reasons why the tasmanian devil rocks👍

5 reasons why the tasmanian devil rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 5 reasons why the tasmanian devil rocks. 1. Tasmanian devils are mostly scavengers.🥩 Did you know tasmanian devils are mostly scavengers? Even though they are found eating flesh, tasmainian devils are mostly scavengers. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are tasmanian devils mostly scavengers? The reason why is […]

😍 5 reasons why the red-eyed tree frog rocks 👍

5 reasons why the red-eyed tree frog rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 5 reasons why the red-eyed tree frog rocks. 1. Red-eyed tree frogs are arboreal amphibians.🌲 Did you know red-eyed tree frogs are arboreal amphibians? Even though a few frogs aren’t arboreal, red-eyed tree frogs are arboreal amphibians. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are red-eyed tree frogs arboreal […]

😍 6 reasons why the tapir rocks 👍

6 reasons why the tapir rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 reasons why the tapir rocks. 1. Tapirs are the largest mammals in Central and South America!🌎 Did you know tapirs are the largest mammals in Central and South America? Even though many animals that live in the Americas are big, tapirs are the largest mammals in […]

🤩7 cool reasons why the american crocodile rocks👍

7 cool reasons why the american crocodile rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 7 cool reasons why the american crocodile rocks. 1. American crocodiles are apex predators.🍖 Did you know american crocodiles are apex predators? Even though they are smaller than nile crocodiles, american crocodiles are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are american crocodiles apex predators? The reason […]

🤩7 cool reasons why the american alligator rocks👍

7 cool reasons why the american alligator rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 7 cool reasons why the american alligator rocks. 1. American alligators are apex predators.🍖 Did you know american alligators are apex predators? Even though they are smaller than american crocodiles, american alligators are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are american alligators apex predators? The reason […]

🤩6 cool reasons why the giant panda rocks👍

6 cool reasons why the giant panda rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the giant panda rocks. 1. Giant pandas are omnivores.🍖🍃 Did you know giant pandas are omnivores? Even though they are found eating plants, giant pandas are omnivores. Isn’t that disgusting but amazing? Now, why are giant pandas omnivores? The reason why is because […]

🤩7 cool reasons why the giant river otter rocks👍

7 cool reasons why the giant river otter rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 7 cool reasons why the giant river otter rocks. 1. Giant river otters are apex predators.🍖 Did you know giant river otters are apex predators? Even though they are smaller than caimans or jaguars, african crested porcupines can swim. Isn’t that disgusting but amazing? Now, why are […]

🤩5 cool reasons why the african crested porcupine rocks👍

5 cool reasons why the african crested porcupine rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 5 cool reasons why the african crested porcupine rocks. 1. African crested porcupines are the largest species of porcupines.😀 Did you know african crested porcupines are the largest species of porcupines? Even though they are many big porcupines, african crested porcupines are the largest species of porcupines. […]

🤩5 reasons why the quokkas rock👍

5 awesome facts about the happiest animal in the world

In this post, I will be showing you 5 reasons why the quokkas rock 1. Quokkas are the happiest animals on the planet.😀 Did you know quokkas are the happiest animals on the planet? Even though they are many friendly animals, quokkas are the happiest animals on the planet. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are quokkas […]

🤩5 cool reasons why the golden dart frog rocks👍

In this post, I will be showing you 5 cool reasons why the golden dart frog rocks. 1. Golden dart forgs are the most poisonous animals on Earth.😐 Did you know golden dart forgs are the most poisonous animals on Earth? Even though they are smaller than snakes or salamanders, golden dart forgs are the […]

🤩5 amazing reasons why the wolverine rocks👍

5 amazing reasons why the wolverine rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 5 amazing reasons why the wolverine rocks. 1. Wolverines are apex predators.🍗 Did you know wolverines are apex predators? Even though they are smaller than lynxs and arctic wolves, wolverines are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are wolverines apex predators? The reason why is because they […]

🤩5 awesome reasons why the chinese giant salamander rocks👍

5 awesome reasons why the chinese giant salamander rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 5 awesome reasons why the chinese giant salamander rocks. 1. Chinese giant salamanders can swim.🤿 Did you know chinese giant salamanders can swim? Just like other amphibians, chinese giant salamanders can swim. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why can chinese giant salamanders swim? The reason why is because […]

😍 6 reasons why the fossa rocks 👍

6 reasons why the fossa rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 reasons why the fossa rocks. 1. Fossas are Madagascar’s Largest Carnivores! Did you know fossas are Madagascer’s largest carnivores Even though many animals that live in Madagascer are big, fossas are Madagascer’s largest carnivores. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are fossas Madagascer’s largest carnivores? The reason […]

6 reasons why the steller’s sea eagle rocks

6 reasons why the steller's sea eagle rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 6 reasons why the steller’s sea eagle rocks. 1. Steller sea eagles are apex predators. Did you know steller’s sea eagles are apex predators? Even though they are smaller than the extinct haast eagles, steller’s sea eagles are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are steller’s sea […]