The top 10 fastest creatures on the planet

In this post, I will be showing you The top 10 fastest creatures on the planet. If you were to race an ant, you’d win. This makes sense, since your legs are quite a bit longer, despite being a third as numerous. Extrapolating from this, then, you’d think that longer legs or larger animals should […]

😍 5 reasons why the red-eyed tree frog rocks 👍

5 reasons why the red-eyed tree frog rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 5 reasons why the red-eyed tree frog rocks. 1. Red-eyed tree frogs are arboreal amphibians.🌲 Did you know red-eyed tree frogs are arboreal amphibians? Even though a few frogs aren’t arboreal, red-eyed tree frogs are arboreal amphibians. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why are red-eyed tree frogs arboreal […]

🤩5 cool reasons why the golden dart frog rocks👍

In this post, I will be showing you 5 cool reasons why the golden dart frog rocks. 1. Golden dart forgs are the most poisonous animals on Earth.😐 Did you know golden dart forgs are the most poisonous animals on Earth? Even though they are smaller than snakes or salamanders, golden dart forgs are the […]

🤩5 awesome reasons why the chinese giant salamander rocks👍

5 awesome reasons why the chinese giant salamander rocks

In this post, I will be showing you 5 awesome reasons why the chinese giant salamander rocks. 1. Chinese giant salamanders can swim.🤿 Did you know chinese giant salamanders can swim? Just like other amphibians, chinese giant salamanders can swim. Isn’t that amazing? Now, why can chinese giant salamanders swim? The reason why is because […]