🤩6 amazing reasons why the ostrich rocks👍

In this post, I will be showing you 6 amazing reasons why the ostrich rocks.

1. Ostriches are apex omnivores.🍖🍃

Ostriches are apex omnivores
They are apex predators.
Source: Google

Did you know ostriches are apex predators?

Like other large flightless birds, ostriches are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are ostriches apex predators?

The reason why is because of the size and sheer strength they have making them an awesome foe.

2. Ostriches are the largest birds on the planet Earth.🐦

Ostriches are the largest birds on the planet Earth
They are huge.
Source: Google

Did you know ostriches are the largest birds on the planet Earth?

Even though there are many large birds that live all over the world, ostriches are the largest birds on the planet Earth. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are ostriches the largest birds on the planet Earth?

The reason why is because of the size the gene inhabiting growth allows them to access. They can be up to 10 feet tall.

3. Ostriches are the fourth deadliest birds in the world.💀

Ostriches are the fourth deadliest birds in the world
They are deadly.
Source: Google

Did you know ostriches are the fourth deadliest birds in the world?

Even though there are many deadly birds such as the harpy eagle that live all over the world, ostriches are the fourth deadliest birds in the world. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are ostriches the fourth deadliest birds in the world?

The reason why is because of their habitat. Their habitat is a rough one so they need to be tough to survive, especially the males. They are so aggressive that 5 human deaths have been recorded to be caused by an ostrich attack although they only attack when threatened.

4. Ostriches are the fastest flightless birds in the world.

Ostriches are the fastest flightless birds in the world
They are very fast flightless birds.
Source: Google

Did you know ostriches are the fastest flightless birds in the world?

Even though some flightless birds are fast, osprey have different features compared to other types of hawks. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are ostriches the fastest flightless birds in the world?

The reason why is because of their powerful and very long legs which enable them to reach a top speed of 43 miles per hour.

5. Ostriches have three eyelids on each eye.👁️

Ostriches have three eyelids on each eye
They have three eyelids on each eye of the ostrich.
Source: Google

Did you know ostriches have three eyelids on each eye?

Like every other bird in the world, ostriches have three eyelids on each eye. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do ostriches have three eyelids on each eye?

The reason why is because of they need these three eyelids to survive. They are the upper, lower and third eyelid. The third eyelid is used for protecting the cornea of the ostrich’s eye, the upper eyelid is primarily responsible for the cosmetic (a preparation applied to the body to improve its appearance) appearance, and the lower eyelid is used to depress the upper eyelid in downgaze, and maintain the upright position of the tarsal plate.

6. Ostrich chicks are the size of fully grown chickens when they hatch!

Ostrich chicks are the size of fully grown chickens when they hatch
Chicks are very large.
Source: Google

Did you know ostrich chicks are the size of fully grown chickens when they hatch?

Just as they are the largest birds, ostrich chicks are the size of fully grown chickens when they hatch. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are ostrich chicks the size of fully grown chickens when they hatch?

The reason why is because of the size their eggs from the female ostrich reaches. They can be up to 1 feet tall.

📷Ostrich- In Pictures